Home Health Reversing the Clock

Reversing the Clock

by Luke Coutinho

Although ageing is inevitable, there are ways to slow the process and keep your health in its best condition.

Premature greying, early puberty, early menopause, wrinkles
and fine lines, bone aches, signs of memory loss, early onset of Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and the like. When we have access to state-of- the-art medical facilities, superfoods, supplements, anti-ageing pills and potions, why are we ageing faster than we should?

Ageing starts the moment we are born. It’s inevitable, and no human being has control over it. But what we can control is its pace and how we age.

A 70-year-old could either be in and out of hospitals, immobile, unhappy and on a laundry list of medications. Or, they could be lean, muscular, fit, happy, and truly enjoying what they have achieved in life because they have the health to do so. And, we all know people we admire because they defy ageing! So, it’s possible.

Longevity isn’t just about adding years to your life. It is about adding life to your years. It isn’t about life span but about health span.

The secret to graceful ageing and longevity
Scientists have studied the ageing process for a long time. The speed at which you age depends on the length of your telomeres – structures at the ends of chromosomes that cap and protect them. Imagine plastic caps at the ends of shoelaces to prevent fraying. Telomeres do exactly that!

Studies show a direct correlation between telomere length and life expectancy, DNA damage, and age-related diseases. Telomere length is sensitive to lifestyle and its shortening is scientifically linked with the possible onset of cancer, Type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s, Inflammatory diseases, and accelerated ageing.

Read the full article in the latest issue of Viva Goa Magazine. Pick your copy from the nearest supermarket/bookstore todayor CLICK HERE to subscribe!

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